Intrinsic Motivation and Rewards on Affective Commitment
Study at Vocational High School Teachers in Bandung
Intrinsic Motivation, Rewards, Affective Commitment, Vocational High SchoolAbstract
This study explores the influence of intrinsic motivation and rewards on affective commitment among vocational high school teachers in Bandung. The main issue addressed is how these two factors contribute to teachers' emotional attachment and commitment to their profession. The primary objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between intrinsic motivation, rewards, and affective commitment using a component-based Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach. A survey was conducted involving 83 vocational high school teachers in Bandung as participants. The research employed statistical analysis to evaluate the impact of intrinsic motivation and rewards on the teachers' affective commitment levels. The findings reveal a significant positive influence of both intrinsic motivation and rewards on affective commitment among the respondents. Specifically, intrinsic motivators such as personal fulfillment and passion for teaching, combined with external rewards, enhance teachers' emotional ties to their work and their willingness to remain committed to their institutions. The implications of this research suggest that fostering intrinsic motivation and implementing appropriate reward systems can play a crucial role in increasing teachers' affective commitment. Educational institutions are encouraged to develop strategies that enhance intrinsic motivation, alongside providing tangible rewards, to improve overall teacher satisfaction and retention. By understanding these dynamics, school administrators can create more supportive environments that bolster teachers' commitment and drive toward their professional responsibilities.
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