Investigating the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Teachers' Pedagogical and Professional Competence
A Study of Vocational Teachers in Bandung and Its Influence on Student Achievements
Transformational Leadership, Students’ Achievements, Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence, Teachers’ Professional Competency, Vocational EducationAbstract
This research delves into the relationship between transformational leadership and students’ achievements, specifically focusing on the impact of teachers' pedagogical and professional competencies among vocational teachers in Bandung. The main objective is to explore how these competencies mediate the effects of transformational leadership on students' performance. A survey method was employed, targeting a sample of 51 vocational teachers to gather comprehensive data. Utilizing PLS structural equation modeling, the study tested the proposed research model. Findings indicate that both teachers’ pedagogical competence and professional competency serve as significant mediators, enhancing the link between transformational leadership and students' achievements. This indicates that effective leadership plays a crucial role in fostering an environment where teachers can excel in their pedagogical practices, ultimately benefiting student outcomes. The implications of these results underscore the importance of leadership development programs that not only focus on leadership skills but also prioritize the enhancement of teaching competencies among educators. This research contributes to the understanding of how leadership styles can be leveraged to improve educational outcomes in vocational settings.
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