Web Based Sales Transaction and Report System Design

Study at a Motorcycle Spare Parts Company


  • Heri Wahyudi STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung
  • Deri Hendriawan STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung




Transaction, Report, Web


Interviews with a motorbike spare parts company revealed various observations regarding their present business procedures and challenges. Specifically, they lack transaction operations, stock management, and sales reporting software. Hence, deploying an appropriately automated system, precisely a web-based sales transaction and reporting system, is imperative. Using descriptive analysis research techniques and object-oriented system development methodologies, namely Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE). In order to assist a motorcycle spare parts company in streamlining and expediting their transaction procedure. The outcome of developing this system is a web-based application for sales transactions and reports.



How to Cite

Wahyudi, H., & Hendriawan, D. (2024). Web Based Sales Transaction and Report System Design: Study at a Motorcycle Spare Parts Company. Electronic, Business, Management and Technology Journal, 1(2), 129–135. https://doi.org/10.55208/ebmtj.v1i2.125