Predictive Analytics of Dental and Oral Health Using Dempster Shafer Parameters at Pelita Bunda Clinic


  • Najmah Halimatusa’idah STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung
  • Komarudin Komarudin STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung
  • Muhammad Syukri STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung
  • Dani Rohpandi STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung



Predictive Analytics, Dental and Oral Health, Dempster-Shafer


This study aims to provide a precise and analytical approach to predicting dental and oral health. This condition will be achieved by utilizing the Dempster-Shafer parameters at the Pelita Bunda Clinic. Maintaining dental and oral health is crucial for overall well-being. Nevertheless, making treatment decisions is frequently challenging due to aspects that need clarification and cannot be measured. The Dempster-Shafer method is a highly efficient approach for handling situations with uncertainty. This strategy can employ data in the form of hypotheses and leverage probability theory to amalgamate and analyze unclear information. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the analytical prediction approach for dental and oral health utilizing the Dempster-Shafer parameters at Pelita Bunda Clinic in forecasting patients' dental and oral health state. Employing this approach can assist dentists in making treatment decisions with greater accuracy and efficiency.


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How to Cite

Halimatusa’idah, N., Komarudin, K., Syukri, M., & Rohpandi, D. (2024). Predictive Analytics of Dental and Oral Health Using Dempster Shafer Parameters at Pelita Bunda Clinic. Electronic, Business, Management and Technology Journal, 2(1), 23–30.